Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Podcasting in the Classroom

Podcasting can be a great tool in the classroom if used properly.  A great way to get started is just by playing around and seeing what your technology can do.  Using already made podcasts of lesson plans or daily activities can be a great way to give a substitute teacher all of the need-to-know information.  Another good way to use this is as an overview, or specific instruction, or what the class did each day.  This can be beneficial to the students who cannot attend class of need a refresher on that day’s lesson.  Having podcasts uploaded to a classroom computer or on iPods (if you have those available in your classroom) can be a great way for students to listen to podcasts you have made for various assignments or subjects, or even another schools’ podcasts.  The student’s enjoy hearing lessons and educational talks when it is coming from someone around their own  age.  Using podcasts in the early elementary grades can be tricky, but definitely can be done.  A fun drama lesson for primary students would be to go through the process of writing a script (in groups or as a class) and record a play or skit.  This involves brainstorming, writing, editing, practicing, and performing/recording, from there the teacher may need to help edit the podcast if necessary.  Pet podcast would be another great opportunity for the students to use podcasts in the classroom.  The student will observe their pet (or a class pet) and talk about habits and traits of the animal, along with dietary needs and habits (biology and nutrition) on the podcast.   Most children love animals, this will give them a chance to hang out with the animal while learning more about it; you could also have them research, with help, more information about their pet.  Having the students interview different types of jobs (each student pick or is assigned one job) and records it using podcast to share it with the class.  This interview assignment could be tied into a job fair in the classroom idea.  There are many more opportunities for podcasting to be used in the classroom, nature walks, history, science, and so much more.  Having your students get involved in the process of making the podcast will encourage them to engage in learning that topic or subject.

Listen to my first podcast below:

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