Monday, April 8, 2013

Google Apps for Education

   Finding a lesson plan and integrating technology can be tricky, but using Google Apps, there are quite a few lesson plans to choose from that may be able to meet your needs.  An important part of primary education is introducing and mastering reading and writing.  With all of the new technology, it is hard to keep children engaged with only a pen and paper.  I found a great language arts lesson plan for primary grades.  Given a prompt, the students will write a story and draw digital pictures, connecting them to their story.  At the end, their story will be available online to view or print using Google Presentation.  Students' digital sketches help them practice technology skills while developing literacy skills.  This lesson supports the national and state standards by incorporating creativity and innovation of an original story.  Another standard that is included in this lesson plan is technology operations while using Google Presentation.  This project may also include critical thinking depending on the prompt given for the students' story.

   I think this is a creative way to incorporate technology in your lesson.  Doing the lesson this way, the student is not only gaining and/or practicing their literacy skills, but also their technology skills.  Both are very important in the education and their future careers.  Having a basic knowledge in these areas is essential and continues to grow over time.  Using Google Presentation makes the books easy to share with your class, parents, and colleagues, as well as giving you the option for a hard copy.  This is a great way to use technology within a lesson and avoid various separate projects that do not tie into the curriculum.

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